Dezeen Infrastructure and Transport Project of the Year:The Land Bridge and Prairie at Memorial Park

Interior Design's Best of Year Awards: Memorial Park Running Complex Café (In partnership with Schaum Architects) 

ASLA Honor Award, General Design: Georgia Institute of Technology EcoCommons

ASLA Honor Award for Communications: Connecting to Our Indigenous Histories at Machicomoco State Park

NC ASLA Award of Excellence in Analysis and Planning: Angel Oak Preserve

NC ASLA Merit Award: Camp North End

SC ASLA Recognition, Analysis and Planning: Haywood & Page Visioning Project

2024 A+Awards Special Mention, Landscape & Planning - Public Parks and Green Spaces: The Land Bridge and Prairie at Memorial Park

VA ASLA Honor Award, General Design: Monticello: Burial Ground for Enslaved People and Contemplative Site

TX ASLA Honor Award: The Land Bridge and Prairie

VA ASLA Merit Award, Analysis and Planning: Angel Oak Preserve Landscape Comprehensive Plan

VA ASLA Merit Award,General Design: The Ramble

VA ASLA Presidential Award of Excellence,General Design: The Land Bridge and Prairie at Memorial Park


ULI Houston Open Space Development of Distinction: Land Bridge & Prairie at Memorial Park

VA ASLA Presidential Award of Excellence, General Design: Georgia Institute of Technology EcoCommons

VA ASLA Merit Award, Communications: Karen Cragnolin Park Interpretive Plan

SCUP Award of Excellence in Landscape Architecture for General Design: Georgia Institute of Technology EcoCommons

ICAA McKim, Mead & White Award: Jay Heritage Center Gardens

Dezeen Infrastructure and Transport Projects Longlist: The Memorial Park Land Bridge and Prairie

GA ASLA Merit Award, General Design: Georgia Institute of Technology EcoCommons

GA ASLA Merit Award, Analysis & Planning: Forsyth Park Master Plan

American Public Works Association Public Works Projects of the Year in Structures more than $75 million: Memorial Park Central Connector

ULI Americas Awards of Excellence: Water Street Tampa

Rethinking the Future Award, Landscape Project (Built): The Land Bridge & Prairie at Memorial Park

Potomac ASLA Merit Award, Communications and Research: Machicomoco

SCUP Jury's Choice Excellence in Landscape Architecture: Georgia Institute of Technology EcoCommons

NY ASLA Merit Award: Circle Bar Ranch Comprehensive Landscape Plan

NY ASLA Merit Award: Georgia Institute of Technology EcoCommons


VA ASLA Merit Award, General Design: Centennial Park

VA ASLA Merit Award, General Design: Lakeshore Park Master Plan

New York State Historic Preservation Award of Excellence: Jay Heritage Center Gardens

AIA Brooklyn Award of Excellence: Hither Hill Montauk

AIA NY Design Award: Spence School

Potomac ASLA Honor Award, Design Built: Alethia Tanner Park

TN ASLA Honor Award, General Design: Centennial Park

TN ASLA Merit Award, Analysis & Planning: Lakeshore Park Master Plan

PA DE ASLA Honor Award, General Design: Flight 93 National Memorial


VA ASLA Award of Excellence, General Design: Eastern Glades at Memorial Park

VA ASLA Presidential Award of Excellence: Flight 93 National Memorial

VA ASLA Merit Award, General Design: Alethia Tanner Park

ASLA Honor Award, General Design: Duke University Water Reclamation Pond

NY ASLA Merit Award, General Design: House of Flowers

TX ASLA Merit Award: Eastern Glades at Memorial Park

TX ASLA Award of Excellence: Memorial Park Land Bridge & Prairie Video

ULI Houston Open Space Development of Distinction Award: Clay Family Eastern Glades at Memorial Park


Architect's Newspaper Best of Design Awards, Editor's Pick in Landscape: Aga Khan Garden, Alberta

Architect's Newspaper Best of Design Awards, Editor's Pick in Cultural: New Campus for Rothko Chapel

VA ASLA Commendation Award: Karen Cragnolin Park Master Plan

VA ASLA Honor Award, Communications: Memorial Park Land Bridge & Prairie Video

VA ASLA Commendation Award, Communications: Machicomoco Park

VA ASLA Merit Award, Residential Design: Verdant Lawn

ASLA Honor Award for General Design: Naval Cemetery Landscape

San Francisco Design Week Award for Commercial Architecture: Flowers Winery  

SCUP Excellence in Landscape Architecture for General Design: Duke University Water Reclamation Pond

CASLA Award of Excellence for Medium Scale Landscape: Aga Khan Garden

NY ASLA Honor Award: Peabody Essex Museum Garden

NY AIA Merit Award: Rothko Chapel


Trust for Public Land, Land for People Award: Thomas Woltz

NY AIA ASLA Transportation and Infrastructure Design Excellence Award: HUB 404

VA ASLA Commendation Award: Cedar Mountain Reserve

VA ASLA Presidential Award of Excellence: Aga Khan Garden, Alberta

Architizer A+ Jury Award Winner: Naval Cemetery Landscape


Florida ASLA Honor Award, Institutional Design: Bok Tower Gardens

VA ASLA Merit Award, Analysis and Planning: Lone Oaks Farm Master Plan

VA ASLA Merit Award, Analysis and Planning: Mt. Cuba Center Master Plan

VA ASLA Merit Award, General Design: Bok Tower Gardens

American Architecture Award: Naval Cemetery Landscape

WLA Conceptual Design Merit Award: Park Over GA400 

SCUP Special Citation for Excellence in Planning for a New Campus: Lone Oaks Farm Master Plan

COTE Top Ten Award: Georgia Tech Engineered Biosystems Building

AZ Award for Environmental Leadership: Duke University Water Reclamation Pond

AZ Award for Landscape Architecture: Orongo Station


AIA People's Choice Award: Park Over GA400

ASLA Honor Award: Olana Strategic Landscape Design Plan

Chesapeake Stormwater Network Best Maintained BMP Award: The Dell at UVA

ULI Nashville Open Space Award: Centennial Park

ASLA Southeast Regional Conference Award of Excellence: Duke Water Reclamation Pond

VA ASLA Honor Award in Pattern Research: Honoring Tradition in Contemporary Islamic Garden Design 

VA ASLA Honor Award: The Naval Cemetery Landscape

VA ASLA Presidential Award of Excellence: Duke Water Reclamation Pond

NY ASLA Honor Award: Hudson Highland Cottage

NY ASLA Merit Award: Naval Cemetery Landscape

NY ASLA Merit Award: Olana Strategic Landscape Design Plan

Green GOOD DESIGN Award: Park Over GA 400


VA ASLA Honor Award: Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 

VA ASLA Honor Award: Olana Strategic Landscape Design Plan and Farm Complex Restoration

ASLA Honor Award: Memorial Park Master Plan



ASLA Honor Award: Cornwall Park 100 Year Master Plan

ASLA Honor Award: Overlook Farm Master Plan

VA ASLA Honor Award: Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

VA ASLA Honor Award: Seven Ponds Farm 

VA ASLA Honor Award: Boy Scouts of America Summit Bechtel National Scouting Reserve

VA ASLA Honor Award: Memorial Park Master Plan

American Horticultural Society Award for Landscape Design

John Russell Pope Award for Landscape Design


AIA COTE Top Ten Award: Boy Scouts of America Sustainability Treehouse with Mithun

ASLA Honor Award: 'Nelson Byrd Woltz: Garden, Park, Community, Farm


ASLA Honor Award: Medlock Ames Tasting Room and Alexander Valley Bar

New Zealand ILA George Malcolm Supreme Award and Sustainability Award of Excellence: Orongo Station

VA ASLA Honor Award: Martha Jefferson Hospital

VA ASLA Merit Award: Norfolk Botanic Garden


New York Chapter ASLA Honor Award: U.S. EPA Greening America's Capitals: Hartford

Tucker Building Stone Institute Award: Citygarden


ASLA Honor Award for Design: Carnegie Hill House

ASLA Award of Honor: Citygarden

NY ASLA Honor Award: Citygarden

ULI Amanda Burden Urban Open Space Award: Citygarden

VA AIA Inform Award of Merit: Carnegie Hill House

NY ASLA Honor Award in Landscape Architectural Design: The Farm at Cape Kidnappers

NY ASLA Honor Award: Carnegie Hill House

NY ASLA Merit Award in Planning, Analysis, Research & Communications: Orongo Station Masterplan

NY ASLA Merit Award: Iron Mountain House

NY ASLA Merit Award: Medlock Ames Tasting Room and Alexander Valley Bar

SCUP Special Citation for Excellence in Landscape Architecture: The Dell at the University of Virginia

VA AIA Inform Award of Honor: Medlock Ames Tasting Room and Alexander Valley Bar

VA AIA Inform Honor Award: Western Albemarle Garden

VA ASLA Award of Excellence in General Design: Citygarden

VA ASLA Merit Award in General Design: University of Virginia School of Architecture Addition


Illuminating Engineering Society, NY Section, Lumen Award of Merit: Citygarden

ASLA Honor Award for Analysis and Planning: California Institute of Technology with Cooper, Robertson & Partners

VA AIA Inform Award of Merit: Citygarden

VA ASLA Honor Award in Analysis & Planning: California Institute of Technology Masterplan

National Park Service Designing the Parks Merit Award for Master Planning: Flight 93 Memorial


VA ASLA Honor Award of Excellence: Charles Luck Design Centers


VA ASLA Honor Award for Analysis and Planning: California Institute of Technology, with Cooper, Robertson & Partners

VA ASLA Honor Award for Design: Asia Trail at the Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park

VA AIA Inform Award: Asia Trail at the Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park


WA AIA, Award of Excellence/Presidential Citation for Sustainable Design with Chatelain Architects: Asia Trail at the Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park


VA ASLA Honor Award for Design: Automated Trading Desk


SC AIA Honor Award: Automated Trading Desk

VA AIA Inform Award: Automated Trading Desk


SC ASLA Honor Award: Automated Trading Desk

VA AIA Award of Excellence/Presidential Citation for Sustainable Design: Aspect Communications World Headquarters Expansion 


ASLA Honor Award for Analysis & Planning: Blandy Experimental Farm and State Arboretum of Virginia


VA AIA Inform Award of Honor: Bedon’s Alley Garden

ASLA Merit Award for Design: Bedon’s Alley Garden

ASLA Special Commendation for Analysis & Planning: Blandy Experimental Farm and State Arboretum of Virginia