Montalto, the mountain southwest of Monticello, was part of Thomas Jefferson’s original landholding. It was re-acquired by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc. to expand the Center for Jefferson Studies with a world-class, multi-purpose education center. NBW collaborated with Dagliesh Gilpin & Paxton Architects in the development of a feasibility study and master plan for the property. The firm continued on the project with detailed design in collaboration with Glave & Holmes Architects. Wherever feasible, sustainable design principles were implemented through the incorporation of cisterns, porous paving, and rain gardens. The project achieved LEED™ Silver certification. Planting plans for the gardens are inspired by Jefferson’s own interests in the many uses of plants - from medicinal, culinary, and industrial to simply ornamental.
Collaborators: Dagliesh Gilpin & Paxton Architects, Glavé & Holmes Architects