In 2014 NBW delivered a master plan for the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens (CMGB) that seeks to carefully thread program between wetland and ledge, encouraging visitors to experience the unique regional ecology of mid-coast Maine while protecting these sensitive areas. NBW worked with the founders, staff, board members to develop a site plan for the 248 acre property that reflects CMBG’s mission to protect, preserve, and enhance the botanical heritage and natural landscape of coastal Maine for people of all ages through horticulture, education, and research. NBW’s talented team of consultants included wetland ecologists, environmental engineers and programmatic and cultural assessors. The plan seeks to honor, reveal, and celebrate the place and flora of this unique regional ecology, while creating a responsive framework and vision for extending and deepening the already rich visitor experience.
Collaborators: Atelier 10, Knickerbocker, Lord Cultural Resources, Stuart Lynn Company, Wright Pierce